25 Years Teaching Art for the Calgary Board of Education

Available by appointment for Demonstrations through the week at the Chinook College Studio

 E-Mail: danlaba@shaw.ca






This art course is:

a series of practical lessons that are presented in the 'students schedule'  which increase your understanding of art skills, processes and language. 
lessons that contain practical tips and demonstrations and found in the course content pages. 
an organizational tool for providing an art student with structure and content for art understanding
an instructional tool which gives you access to a large Art Studio and instructor for 'real time' demonstrations. 
a feedback tool for providing experienced guidance in your art skills and understanding
a grading tool for providing accreditation for learned skills

  September -16th 2002 to January 15th 2003 (example)

The value of Art training

The gift of insight and creative thinking is basic to the human condition. 
The mind and spirit can be nurtured through experiences that help the student recognize and develop their own creative nature and potential. 
Once learned, the directed use of creative solutions can be applied to all life experiences
It is the goal of education to awaken the student to their own potential and art training is a valuable tool in that process


The instruction of this course is directed towards a general assumption:

creativity in the human condition is valuable
humans' survival has depended on creative solutions in all aspects of life. 
society depends upon and is advanced through discovery and creativity
the ability to express yourself in a graphic language can be taught and learned 
the high school level is the one best suited to skill development as higher levels of education are more centered around the application of those skills
Art training is as essential as any of the disciplines to success in life

What areas are in this course?

Drawing- techniques, processes and terminology
Design-techniques, processes and terminology
Art History-history
Printmaking-techniques, processes and terminology
Sculpture-techniques, processes and terminology
Painting-techniques, processes and terminology


To develop understanding in:

  art processes
  experience in the refinement of basic art skills
  art terminology
  solving problems creatively
  analyzing artworks and art processes for critical thinking
  applying computer skills and communication skills 

To develop skills in:

using real and imaginary references as sources for image creation
solving drawing, painting, printmaking and design problems
understanding what constitutes a work of art
thinking and solving problems through a creative strategy

To create:

  a portfolio of works which will represent your artistic and
 personal development 

Work will be marked according to:

        the criteria outlined in the assignments

After assignments are grading: 

marks are posted in the 'my grades tool' and are assessable by the student to view their grades at any time.
grades for each assignment are e-mailed to the student with feedback
individual assignments will be graded and totaled towards the final mark. 

Once submitted and graded: 

          assignments can be upgraded and re-submitted for
           increased marks. 

Final marks-final day!


Marking Scheme

in each assignment you will have a marking scheme outlined so you will know what I am looking for and where the marks are coming from.
each assignment is worth a set amount of marks towards the 100% possible in the course. 
students will receive ongoing, an assessment of their assignment as x marks (the marks they earned for that assignment) out of the total marks possible for that assignment. Example- 4.5/5  
A percentage mark would be x (actual mark (4.5))/total possible mark (5)x 100 = % mark(90%)
Grading times will summarize the total marks attained out of the  total marks possible for that section of the course and present a percentage mark to the parents and students
The actual Web-ct total mark at any time, is the accumulated marks of the student out of the 100% possible marks for the course. 
A student must get over 50 marks (50%)to pass the course
A zero (0) is the absence of an assignment turned in.
All marks are assigned according to the listed assignment evaluation criteria which is in the course pages with the assignments.

If you have learned and improved you will do OK, but you are marked on how well you understand, and complete the assignments, so if you want a good mark, you will have to earn it.

Requirements should be followed. 

If the assignment  requests  11x17 paper, you'll have to make sure to get it. 
It is part of the assignment, there is a reason for that paper and to fulfill the assignment directions need to be followed. 


What do I do?

I expect students to keep up with the course schedule, or the schedule that you set for yourself. Falling behind is difficult to get over 
I will give you, throughout the Course, an opportunity to upgrade your mark in each of the assignments by re-doing and re-submitting the assignment. I want you to learn the concepts in this Course and if it takes two tries for you to understand and demonstrate that understanding then that's OK.
Unexpected circumstances may prevent that for some students at some time during the semester. 
Tell me about it ASAP and there will be no late penalties


How difficult is this course?

I consider this to be a medium difficulty course and anyone putting in a consistent effort should be successful with the assignments.
Anything less than that will show in your marks. 
Students do fail this course if they do not do the work or do it below the expectations of the assignment or their grade level.


What do you need as reference materials?

Most of the information needed for this course is contained in the course material, or can be obtained on the internet
As it is a practical course and revolves around an assignment based curriculum,
which is backed up by an extensive technique reference and picture library as well as an Art Studio


What do I do?

The student is expected to download and print the student work schedule
Obtain and have for use all the requested course materials
Keep up with the student assignment schedule timetable for assignment completion
Attend 3 studio sessions throughout the semester- times will be posted
E-mail in finished assignments for grading or drop off to Chinook College, Viscount Bennett Art Studio for grading
Pick up all graded materials tu
rned in



How do I use this?

You are expected to attend at least 3 'studio' sessions throughout the semester, in which the class will be doing work on assignments, getting demonstrations, advice, etc.
Times for these sessions will be posted one month prior to each time.
You are expected to come with questions and any practical demonstrations, tools materials etc. you might need
Onsite studio sessions are designed to provide the student with an opportunity for studio time with help