:TYPE:M:long:long:E:1 :TITLE:WHMIS TEST Q5 :CAT:WHMIS TEST Q5 :QUESTION:H Matching exercise :L1 whimistestacidic.gif :R1 High levels of hydrogen sulphide can cause unconsciousness and even death within minutes after exposure :L2 whimistestbioh.gif :R2 Acetonitrile can react violently with water to produce a toxic gas. :L3 whimistestbiotoxic.gif :R3 The Hepatitis B virus can cause a disease marked by such symptoms as fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea and jaundice. :L4 whimistestex.gif :R4 Turpentine has a flash point (temperature at which gaseous material ignites) is 35 °C. :L5 whimistestfire.gif :R5 A tank of compressed oxygen can pose any number of hazards if a leaky cylinder, hose or valve allows the gas to escape. :L6 whimistestpoison.gif :R6 Sodium hydroxide, also known as caustic soda, can seriously burn the eyes and skin upon contact :L7 whimistestreactive.gif :R7 Epoxy resins, especially after repeated exposure, can cause an allergic reaction of the skin, resulting in redness, blistering and itchiness. :L8 whimistestspont.gif :R8 Chromic acid is not flammable in itself, but can cause a fire when it comes into contact with combustible materials.